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Ranting about crappy system doctor


You know...an hour before now, I was in a pretty good mood. I had just responded to some e-mails and my day had been going along pretty well. This morning I woke up and found that I got a new saxophone case, which is very nice. I then ate my customary Lucky Charms, which were magically delicious, of course, and proceeded to go to the mall. There, I put a number one score on Marvel vs Capcom (Megaman and Venom combination. Oh yeah.) and picked up the Strategy Guide for Vampire: Redemption so that I can finally get out of Prague's sewers. Then I got home, answered some e-mails from people who seem to have been "too busy" to send me anything over the past week or so (you know who you are), and had a yummy meal of eggs and bacon, followed by a dessert of smores.

But then, Satan dug his hand inside of my computer, and his name is Norton System Doctor. For those of you unfamiliar with Norton System Doctor, it's a program designed to help your computer run in tip-top condition, fixing programs about to crash and keeping a watch out for any nasty little virus that gets through your careful downloading procedures. Or, at least, that's how it's supposed to work. In reality, it takes up an obscene amount of space for how little it does and constantly brings up messages saying "I made Program Manager crash again. There's a poor chance that I can fix it so it'll work, but you can try anyway. Yes, I know you've been writing for the past hour and were just about to save, but that doesn't matter. You want to close all programs, or do you want this to be "fixed," if you know what I mean?"

If you can't tell, I hate Norton.

I'm pretty much done ranting for the moment. Au revoir!

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