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Journal Terrorism


Well, this isn't John-boy. This is actually Heather, his baby. I'm hijacking his journal to make an entry for him. He doesn't know this, but will soon enough. *giggles* See, I was talking with Beth and we both agreed that it's been too long since he's updated it, so, here I am... *crosses her fingers that her precious isn't too upset with her* I don't figure he will be, but... I'm the one responsible for the new look, as well as the archiving, so if you don't like it, well, bite me. *sticks her tongue out at you*

I could be evil and talk about elves, which I know he hates like nothing else, for no good reason, but I won't. I don't want him to disown me, ya know. So I'll tell you about something that happened today...

You know who Al Capone was? I thought so, but I had to ask, just to be sure. Well, today, while taking a friend home, we drove right through what is supposedly the town of his birth. Let me tell you, the energies of that place are very whacked! I mean, wow! Something started niggling at the back of my head, and I almost instantly got a blinding headache. So I poked back, just to let whatever it was know I knew it was there, and that I knew it knew that I knew it knew I could sense it and knew it could tell. Did that make sense? Well, you get it... So, I shielded the car more, and grounded out the headache, and went on our merry way.

On the way back, again, driving through town, minding my own business when I felt someone stareing at me rather intensely. So, I look around, and up ahead of me a bit, there's a man standing, wearing a pin striped suit with a hat on, and holding what looked seriously like a tommy-gun. I couldn't really see his eyes, as they were in the shadows of the hat, but it was obvious that it was him looking to intently at me. And he watched us get closer, drive past, than drive away. And it seemed that no one else even noticed him. Was that Al? I don't know, but it had the feeling of him, or very closely related to him. Fun fun. *smiles*

Ok, I'm going to depart now, and return control of this journal to it's owner. The hijacking is done. It's time for me to go beat up my boys while they laugh at me...Er...I mean laugh at the boys while they beat each other up... Yea, that's it...

Au revoir!

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