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Halloween '03, but you probably wouldn't be able to tell



First off, Happy Halloween. I'm kind of sad that I won't be able to do anything for my favorite holiday, but I hope to have a good one anyway.

Last night I went to a Haunted Corn Maize (BWAHAHAHA! Could I get any funnier?) with A, B, and Squeaks. As soon as we get there and go to the little shack where they're selling the tickets, I saw this half-grown calico and white cat. I got down on my knees to pet her (her name, I found from the ticket lady, was Kali) and she purred up a storm. Then she tried to climb on me until I picked her up. She didn't want to be held, she wanted to perch. So I ended up with this itty bitty kitty sitting on my left shoulder while we wait in line to get our tickets. There were a few college-aged girls (probably from Frostburg) who were seemed awfully taken with the beast on my shoulder. It was nice to be able to play with a kitten again. The actual maze was kind of lame. They had some generators in the field so they could put up strobes and strings of lights in various places, and they had the usual scarecrow, empty coffin, bloody gurney, and such strewn about. The scary bits? People jumping out of the corn yelling. Some wore masks, more wore the black robes and faceless masks that I can't see without hearing Edgar Winter in my head. The last of these deathly terrors jumped out while wielding the most horrendous of power tools...a drill without a bit. This was in the dark, mind you. Are you aware of the resemblance of shape and sound of a power drill and a hair dryer? Yeah, neither was this guy. I went through the entire maze laughing. It was great fun, though. Since I put my fleece on B, however, I seem to have given myself a case of the runny-nose sniffles. Bah.

I'm going to participate in National Novel Writing Month this year, or at least make an attempt. www.nanowrimo.org is the website, if I'm not mistaken. I'm going to try to finally get "Touched" out of my head and onto paper.

I'm seriously considering moving home. I can't save anything here and my main goal is to go back to school. Any thoughts? Email or IM me. Gold membership ran out so the comments button won't work anymore.

I'm gonna go blow my nose and get some sleep.



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