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Random pieces of information about your favorite John-Boy

I just found out that someone I had met through Amtgard now goes to Concord. Unfortunately, I also found

out at the same time that my makeup kit is in Keith's room from when I visited.

If it wasn't obvious, I randomly flipflop between happy and bummed without that much provocation. Normally for about the same reasons as always. For example, being lonely. That always bums me out and unfortunately it's one of my primary reasons. Recently, it's also been getting me down that I've not been able to put aside any money for going back to school yet.

I've been thinking about it. I may end up going home and trying to find a job there. I really just want to go back to school.

I'm very nonchalant about things, but I always feel like I have to prove something. I don't know if it's prove something to myself or to someone else, but I almost always set some pretty lofty goals. These goals don't really get accomplished. Ever.

I've had a song in my head for about two years now. I really need to find someone who is better at music than I to compose it. In my head I call it "The Wild Hunt."

I've had a novel in my head for about the same amount of time. I think I can write it, but I'm not sure. I have yet to sit down and really try. It's "Touched" if anyone remembers it.

I am very much a creature of habit, yet doing the same thing over and over again bores me.

I have yet to figure out why I've been described as "The Perfect Guy" by multiple people and haven't had anyone's interest in about a year.

I'm more sensitive than most people think. In fact, I'm secretly a whiny little cry baby.

I hate wearing boxers. They attack my nuts. Boxer briefs, however, I'm trying and generally have no complaints about. They're pretty cool.

I want to be a pirate.

I only brush my teeth about once or twice a day and floss maybe once every four or five months.

Getting shots freak me the fuck out because I hate feeling the needle inside of me. Having something inside of me is just wrong feeling. However, I had no problems getting my ear pierced.

Stage fright has never been a real problem with me. Well, not when I've had a stage. But talking to someone I don't know? I get all creepy-crawly inside.

I'm going to go now.



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