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retreat | go
An update after a small hiatus



I've been working at Denny's as a cook since Tuesday. It's not a bad gig. Minimum wage and all that, but it's better than nothing. I'm working graveyard shift right now, but I hear I'm going to be switching over to swing shift once I get trained. I also hear that I'm being trained to be able to take the place of the swing shift's head cook, since he's making noises of quitting and the other cooks they have on swing shift are generally dickweeds and idiots. I think it's a bad thing that management already has their eye on me for that when I've not even been there for a full week yet. Good for me, but it doesn't exactly say much for the help.

Maryland is good. I like it here. Amtgard is a little over an hour away, though, which kind of sucks. I'd really like to get into some SCA, but I'm willing to bet that I'd have to travel even further (farther? Someone correct me here) for that. Only one way to find out. Time to hit the website!

I'm going to wander off now.



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