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I've not updated in awhile, I know. *shrugs* It's that part of the Grand Cycle of John-Boy's Diary, I guess.

The other night I was on walkabout around campus and I saw three deer. They were really pretty there in the moonlight.

I've been faced with a challenge from Quintus. He and I were talking and I found out he's always used roundblades for Amtgard, and never a flat one. So I told him that if he told me what he wanted, I'd make him one. So he told me what he wanted.

"Research what sort of sword I would have. I am a roman infantry soldier, on level with upper enlisted (optio/centurion) to officer status on the lower end (I would advise against going this route). I would likely have a

typical soldiers sword..

So, find something in the mid to late imperial perieod (from Trajan to

Constantine), and go from there.

(hint - its a short sword by amtgard standards)

Do this, and document it (as in, a report), and not only will I enter

it into an IM kingdom level competition, I will make you something in reutrn that I believe you will find useful."

So, yeah. I've got that up. I also promised Sophy to make her a sword in exchange for a pair of pants. And I've got a lot of weapons I need to fix.

Today I posted my warning of a raid on Blackrock Hill's email list. Immediately, Quintus posts a bounty (of a cookie) on anyone who "cup checks" me. He shall pay for this.

Today was Dress Up In A Suit Day in John-Boy Land. So, I've been getting a lot of different reactions from people. The funniest was when The Canadian had been in the room with me for about five minutes before jumping back and saying "Why the hell are you in a suit?" Teehee.

I'm gonna split. I've got Literature to put off reading.



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