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Boromir is definitely cool



I was talking to my mommy today about having Kitten come over on Friday. She forgot that Kitten wasn't going back to Concord, and then asked me if I was looking forward to going back without my best friends. My dad started to say something, and I cut him off, because I knew what he was going to say. He asked me what he was going to say. So I said "This semester would be a good time to become completely and totally academic." He looked at me and said "Actually, I'd be happy if you were this much academic" and held his thumb and forefinger barely apart. That hurt. That really hurt. I made an attempt this semester, even if he doesn't see that. All he sees is that the end result sucked and thinks that I just didn't try. My concentration faltered, and I fucked up. And he brings this up and puts in my face about every five minutes. I'm just really sick of it.

Boromir kicks ass, though. That's always a good thing.



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