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I napped today. That was good.

We discussed feudalism, Crusades, and Charlesmagne today in class. Yay!

Auditions for Durang finished up today. Cast list goes up on Thursday. Today, he picked monologues for us to read that really didn't have anything to do with Durang. He had each of us read our's once, then took each of us aside, explained what he wanted out of it, gave us some time to look at it and wander out of the theater to work on it outside or in the dressing rooms or whereever and do it again. Mine was the opening monologue from "Fools." It's about a teacher who accepted a job in the middle of nowhere in Ukraine. I read farther into the play and it turns out that if he doesn't teach a certain person to think (though she, as well as the entire town, has been cursed with stupidity) within twenty-four hours, he's going to fall under the town's curse of stupidity as well. It's pretty amusing. Anyway, Brian looked at me and said "When I came up with this one for you, I was inspired by your Friday night performance. Run in late, see the audience, entertain them, and then realize you're early." I think I did it like he wanted me to. The other auditioneers laughed, anyway, and I take that as a good thing.

I need to read my philosophy. Stoicism ho!



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