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All by myself



A quote from a conversation I had with Michelle today. I was explaining my Forbidden Tales of the Bible class to her and how I seem to be the only one who realizes that it was a savage time and people were less civil. I was telling her how I should do a demonstration for the class.

"All right. You. You're my daughter. Come stand by me. And you. You're a Heathen Canaanite Son-of-a-Whore. Stand right there. Now, I'm a good Jewish father who's going to town to seal some business deals. My beautiful virgin daughter is coming along because she's going to market to do some shopping. On the way, we run into Heathen Canaanite Son-of-a-Whore, who must be on his way to or from his pagan temples where he commits obscenities and blasphemy. He sees my beautiful virgin daughter and comes over to try and chat her up. That's your cue, Sparky, to come chat up my beautiful virgin daughter. Come here. Chat. Good boy. Anyway, I come out of my place of business and see this happening. As a good Jewish father, I'm appalled and step in as best I see fit. I draw my dagger, like so, and thrust it into his face, like so, until I have either scarred him enough that I feel he won't be able to seduce any good Jewish girls from their proper places or until he happens to die. You get it?"

:) I came up with that all by myself.

Also, today, I once again have successfully gone potty without aid. It was a proud proud day for me.



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