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*gasps and dies*


I present to you a rarity. An actual entry from me that's longer than two or three lines and contains no quiz results.

Last weekend, Squeaky came up to visit. Well, it was supposed to have been the weekend. He got here around 3 AM Saturday night and left on Tuesday or Wednesday. It was good to spend time with him, though. :)

On Sunday, at Amtgard, the dreaded happened. My claymore broke. The core shattered. The previous night I had painted its name in runes on the cover and was generally looking forward to playing with it. I spent the entire day sulking about it. The next day, Squeaks gave me a ride up to Corridor G and we got some bamboo to recore it. In the parking lot, while we were looking for a space, Sublime's "What I Got" came on. So we had to drive around for about two or three extra minutes, blasting music and singing. It was rather cool. Especially since I had never heard that song on the radio before.

I intended this to be much longer, but Reka and Marc came to abduct me. I'll continue this later.



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