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Because I must wreak vengeance upon Michelle, I shall now quote her. "I'm not a lesbian. I just play one in all the pornos."

Ha! Take that for going to some bridal shower instead of my tourney! Now the world shall know that you work in porn!

Not like they didn't know after you announced how happy you were to finally get a job that paid better than Debs.

I miss my Heather. Her phone company's convinced that she didn't pay them, so she hasn't been online in the past couple of days. However, she did use her cell phone and call me a couple of times, which I enjoyed. God, I love her voice. It's too bad she's been coughing so bad recently, the poor thing.

Today, apparently, has been "Talk to John-Boy" day, brought to you by the letter J, and the numbers 37 and 42. After Heather called, Beth called. While I was talking to her, I started talking to a chick from Amtgard online. Then a guy from Amtgard IMed me. Then Yoko got on and I talked to her for the first time in ages. Then I had a dryspell for a little bit, followed by a call from Ashley, a call from Marc, and finally a call from Squeaky. Now, I'm sitting online talking to Tiger because he's on top of the monitor and Michelle finally got her bitchass online for me to talk to.

Is today my Popular Day?



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