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I am the King...of No Pants!


I am such a creative genius at two in the morning. David and I just did some brainstorming and I wrote the first scene and a half for a new play I'm working on. It should be funny as hell if it keeps going like this. I think I've decided to call it "A Modern Emperor." Odd name, isn't it? When you find out what the play's about, it makes sense.

It's about a writer trying to find success and love in a modern day city. "What's the gimmick?" He doesn't wear pants. Ever. True, it could be over the top. Over the top is something I'm trying to avoid with this one. I want something that's shocking at first, but then just plain funny. So I'm fighting my brother, who's cowriting it with me. This one, however, looks like it's going to be my baby. The original idea was mind, characters are mine, the motive is mine, and so far the first two scenes and a transition scene are mine. All he has is the mailman and one line. But, I don't think I'll be able to write it without him. He and I kind of feed each other creatively. We play off each others' strengths and cover for the weaknesses. We both have great original ideas and can make certain things come alive. He's great with dialogue, something that used to be a weakness of mine, but I think I'm improving on. I'm great with twists. He can make things outrageously funny. I can keep things realistic. Even when only one of us is writing something, the other one tends to have a hand in it somewhere. We tell each other ideas and that's how they get refined. It's cool the way we work together when it comes to something like this.

I'm going to split. I've got ideas in my head.



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