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I should be in bed



Tonight was supposed to be movie night. Basically, we watched fifteen minutes to half an hour of Top Gun and decided to go to Walmart for a munchies run. There, we somehow managed to lose Stephen so Greg, Lance, and I wandered around trying to find him. In the process, we found Kahlil and talked to him for a minute about movies. Then we remembered who we were looking for, so Lance asked "Hey, have you seen the Canadian?" Kahlil looked at him for a minute and said "No, I don't think s...oh! You mean Steven! He was just looking for you guys, yeah." I said, "Yeah, we meant Stephen, not the cheap Northern knock-off of The Mexican."

Okay, it's really not that funny. But it would have been if you actually heard it told.

Tomorrow, Pickle and I are going to Emery's to practice swordfighting. And Emery has told me that if I can get hold of some sheet metal, he'll make me some barbaric looking plate. :)

I'm gonna go. I'm sleepy.




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