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retreat | go


As you all know by now, Lord of the Rings kicks ass. Gimli needs to do more asskicking in it, but, other than that, I have no real complaints.

I've gotten plenty of shit about my hickies. Nothing terrible, but I need to learn to cover up. At least they'll be gone by Christmas, so at least Nathan won't rag me about them.

I did well enough on my finals, methinks.

Started writing the play with David today. It's going quite well. :) When it's done, I'll probably post a copy for you all to see.

I did some shopping today. I got David a Boromir and Lurst twopack. He accidentally saw it when I was bringing stuff in, so I gifted it to him early. I got something for Logan, something for Dad, and a Celtic CD for Mommy. While in Hot Topic we each bought someone else in the group a sticker. Mine says "I poke badgers with spoons." *sighs* If only they knew how true that is...

I'm gonna split.


Happy Solstice!

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