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'tis but a flesh wound!


The theater folks just got a taste of how much fortitude I actually have. We were playing shot ball in the theater (like baseball, but with no outfield) and I got hit in the face with the ball. It bent the nosepiece of my glasses and sent them flying, but all it did to me was sting a little. Just so's you know, the ball we were using was made out of rags and gaff tape, so it can't really do much damage, although it did give Elizabeth a nosebleed earlier in the game. Anyway, this was annoying. Not because I got hit in the face, but apparently I can't tell when I'm okay or not. I shook my head to clear it, picked up my glasses and the ball, and, when I straightened, pretty much the entire Beta Xi cast was around me. For five minutes straight I said "I'm fine! Can we keep playing now?" Bah.

This is Dramatic Death week. That means that if someone in Alpha Psi Omega "attacks" an understudy, we have to die on the spot. I made Adam and Matt happy by lending them my Amtgard shortswords for the week, followed up by me soundly kicking their asses in honourable combat. It was two on one odds, but it probably would've been fair if they had had someone else with them as well. I picked 'em off like flies. :)

I need to go get my foot x-rayed.

I also need to get a bandaid for my pinkie. I have a cut.



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