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Ashley worries too much at times.

She called me up today around 8:30. There's a subtle way to tell when she's nervous...she talks really freakin' fast. And she was worried about the state of our relationship.

Part one - Until a week or two ago, we were progressing physically at a fairly good clip. A week or two ago, however, we've slowed down to basically just necking and cuddling. This has made her think I've lost interest in her.

Part two - To tell you the truth, I can't remember part two.

Part three - She's had thoughts about another man. I can understand how she didn't really want to mention this, but I'm really ok with that. I know some guys would fly off the handle, but I just see it as animal urges emerging. And I really don't mind. Hell, even if she acts on it while I'm away, I don't care. But if she ever gets into a serious relationship with someone other than myself, I'd have to draw the line there and ask her to choose.

Yeah, I'm weird.

Heehee. I got Logan to @desc a morph for me. :) It's pretty good, too.

Spent time with my Ashley today. :) It was fun, although just about every time we kissed, a bug bit one of us and we had to scratch. That kinda sucked.

Anyway, I'm splitting.

Peace and Health.


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