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She named him "Fuzzy."


Today's been good. :)

I got to see my Ashley. :) We went to the carnival, where we only rode two things. However, those two things got me to feeling sick. So we got drinks and a pepperoni roll for her and sat down for awhile. After sitting, I was feeling better, so we walked around. She decided she wanted me to play a game and win her a stuffed aminal. So I did. With her money, of course, since I didn't have any. I spent my ten bucks on the handstamp for the rides (foolish boy that I am) and my Dr Pepper. After that, we went to McDonald's to use the bathrooms (they only had portapotties at the carnival), where she bought me a hot fudge sundae. And we (meaning I; Ashley's shy) talked to Brandi, who was working at the moment. Considering we still had plenty of time to spend before she had to be home after I finished me sundae, we went to our spot and cuddled. It was really nice, because I don't think that there are too many girls who I can just sit with in relative silence and just cuddle. Either that, or there aren't too many guys who'll do that. One of us is special, I know that much.

She named her bear after me. She named it "Fuzzy."

I just saw the coolest Battlebots match ever, right after seeing the coolest Battlebot ever. The coolest individual bot is a middleweight named El Diablo. I won't really describe it, but I'll just say that it was made by an artist. And you could tell.

The coolest match was a grand rumble between nine super-heavyweights. Toro managed to flip over the majority of those until there were only three bots left in the match, including it. It was cool.

Eric called me. I think we're gonna go rent a movie tomorrow. That should be cool.

I'm leavin'.

Peace and Health,


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