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And the heavens proclaimed, "Rejoice! For ye shalt hear the voice of an angel and fare well to gaze upon her face."

My Ashley just called me and we get to see each other tomorrow. Does her mom know? No. Do I care? No. My baby is rebelling against oppression. *sniffles* I'm so damn proud.

Today's been a good day. Talked with Ashley a lot, went to the mall and picked up Litany of the Tribes 2 (with Fianna and Get of Fenris!), made more plans with Loganus for doing a Werewolf chronicle, and drove around with Mommy, with heavy duty music blasting. And I just got back from Tim Hortons, where there was much doughnut consumption and bagel purchasing for later dates.

I think I've pretty much summed things up. *skips away happily*

Peace and Health


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