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retreat | go
Ph34R mA neKk1d sK1lLs!!


I just watched Iron Chef for the first time. I don't think I'll watch it again. I liked it, but it makes me really hungry.

Graduation practice was today. It was stupid and redundant. Afterwards, I stuck my head in the office to see if they had my cap and gown. I was told that I owed 28 bucks for it and couldn't get it until they got the money. Later, I sent Dad in to get it and we suddenly didn't owe any money for it anymore. I'm glad I'm out of that damn school.

Stephanie hung on me today. *shudders* She told Roxy and me that she wouldn't talk to us for the rest of her West Virginian residence. Apparently she has a very short memory. If you're going to hold a grudge against me, dammit, at least look at your short-term and long-term abilities to maintain it. Keep your promises!

Reka, Eric, and I went to the mall today. Whilst in the roleplaying section, we ran into a couple of geeks from Cabell Midland who seemed pretty cool. We ran into them later at two other points in our journey. >.< It was kind of weird. Anyway, we traded roleplaying stories, opinions on various White Wolf games, and such. I mentioned the Gurahl and one of them nearly pissed his pants in his eagerness to declare their coolness. It was kind of funny. :)

In Hot Topic, Eric got my attention and pointed out a sticker, proclaiming it to be just perfect for me. It said, in a really cool font, "Fear Me For I Have The Power Of Your Destruction." Actually, I can't remember the exact words on it, but that's pretty damn close. I wanted it. Instead, I bought some headphones from Borders to replace the POS ones at the computer.

I'm gonna split. Beanie's wedding is tomorrow, so I should probably be conscious for it.

Peace and Health!


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