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"It sucks to be you" I'm a geek it's true.


I wrote a shitty poem. Here it is, for those who are interested.

Slicing, cutting, dicing

Clubs crushing, arrows biting

Blood soaks the field

As blades enter flesh

Life is drained equally

Whether lad or dame

"Damn, I rolled a 2.

Sometimes I hate this game."

Yeah, I know I'm a geek.

Speaking of geekiness, I finally found a book I've been searching for for about four years. It's called "Shadow Star" by Lucas and Claremont. The geeks among you will recognize those names as the maker of Star Wars and the guy who made the X-Men worth something. Anyway, the book is the end of a trilogy about what happens to Willow Ufgood after the movie. It's really good.

Yesterday I went to see "The Grinch" again with the chick I met off Spark Match. She wants me to go fishing with her next Saturday. Yes, I know, it's confuzzling. I agreed to it, but I think I'll be more likely to be sitting there, talking, and whittling instead of fishing.

I saw my Granny last night. :) She brought me a pennant and change thingiemajig from the San Diego Zoo. They both have pandas on them.

I think everyone on Ereka's RPG hates me, except for her, Logan, and the GWB. *grins* I'm proud of myself. My evil character has enemies.

I leave now. Slainte mhath and pax vobiscum!

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