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retreat | go


I woke up sick today, which is still with me. However, the kind of sickness it is appears to have changed. When I woke up, it was a nausea thing with a stomach ache. Now it's a nasty headache, muscle ache, a more low-key stomach ache, and vertigo. Whee!

One good thing about today, however, is that I got onto TimeScape for the first time in a long time and ran into a bunch of people I haven't seen for a long time. Including Jebal, whom I sparred with. The fight was long, it was close, and it was fun, but I won by getting him into a bear hug and stabbing him in the back. :) I think I won the last one too...either that or one of us had to go before we finished it. I don't rightly recall. So, hey! I might have a winning streak!

I leave now. I'm a little too tired to write coherently anymore.

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