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retreat | go
I really don't have a title.


I am saddened and saddened is me. I just talked to my brother Nathan on the phone, and he has informed that, come Halloween, I am not to scare anyone. Well, beyond what's natural. I'm still going to go as a werewolf, though and still be quite the fuzzy John-Boy thing. And I'm thinking of still having a bloody arm or something to gnaw upon. ;)

Today's been kinda bleh. I actually was grasping stuff in French today, which is kind of a shock. You see, I tend to be able to remember definitions and spellings quite well can read the stuff, but I tend to get a blank look when I hear it. >.<

Good thing, though, is I found some nifty pictures of me on the net. I'd set up a nifty link, but I don't really know HTML worth shit. Basically I can do this, this, and this. Yeah, I suck. Anyway, go to http://www.aspn.com. Choose West Virginia. Choose Band. Choose Cabell Midland's festival. Click on Hurricane. 9th row, 2nd column is the best picture of me they have. I'm the fuzzy guy in the hat with the tenor sax, in case no one can really tell.

I leave now.

Slainte Mhath!

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