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I know I haven't updated in awhile. So sue me.

A couple of days ago, I was a dragon. I had just got back from the Band Walk and a guy involved with Summer Academy (basically an arts and sciences camp for little kids) came over and asked if he could borrow a few of us guys to be in a dragon costume. So, we went over and were a dragon. :) I was unaminously voted to be the head too, so I feel all special. :)

Today I went to Walmart to stock up for band camp. I grabbed a few mechanical pencils, some Smoresels, a tank, a memobook for recording field positions, and some clip on sunglasses. I've found it to be insanely difficult to actually find clipons that actually fit to any degree. The ones I picked up don't quite, but they work a hell of a lot better than anything else I've seen around.

My aunt's coming in from California tomorrow. :) Unfortunately, I leave for band camp on Saturday, and she leaves while I'm still at camp. :( Ah well, at least I get to see her.

I don't really have much else to say, except bitch about my lack of email once again, so I now quit writing.

Slainte Mhath!

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