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I'm Walkin', Yes Indeed, I'm Talkin'...'Bout You and Me


Today's been busy. At band, I was forced to wonder about something. Mr. Skaggs has been making us walk a fair distance each morning so we'll be fit by band camp. Or relatively fit, anyway. Anyway, the majority of the band do not walk for fitness. They lag behind and have a nice leisurely stroll. And that's ok with Sir.

Have I gone nuts here? Is the point of making us walk just wasting time or is it meant to actually make us move our collective ass and lose the weight we've gained since last marching season? When I'm the second person back (the first one having ran), you know it's bad because I'm pretty damn lazy and have quite the mass on me. So...what the hell's wrong here? I'm ahead of the various athletes, the people who run, the skinny folks, the people who can wear muscle shirts and not have people laugh about it...so why am I the first student back to the school (the runner is alumni)? I don't go that fast, I just set a brisk enough pace to get some work out of it.

Anyway, I leave now. If you're in my band, please make an effort to get back before me without taking shortcuts, going back early, or other such cheating. DON'T BE SUCH A LAZY ASS!




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