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Rar! ph34r me!



There's an exercise you use to improve yourself. You ask people who know you about your faults. They tell you, you listen and don't argue, and you face yourself in a new light and use this information to make yourself better.

Apparently I just look scary and don't play Eric's games when he's in the mood to argue.

God damn it, I need more people to ask.

Here's something I do know, at least, that some of you may or may not be surprised to hear.

I'm very unmotivated. I'm afraid to act when I'm not positive for fear of doing wrong. I consider others' thoughts too much and try to change myself to make them happy rather than myself. I have low self-esteem (which is probably related to all of the above). I'm a blatant hypocrite because I never take my own advice, try as I might. I eat too much and I eat the wrong things. I don't exercise, despite knowing I should.

A couple of good things.

I'm a pretty happy guy. I don't stress out. I'm full of surprises and can overcome a lot of the above faults due to wellsprings of strength from who knows where. I take care of people. My confidence is growing and I'm making an effort to make sure it's not becoming arrogance. I'm pretty simple. My advice, even when I'm not taking it, is good stuff that works when applied. I love and I love fiercely. I don't think I suck, in fact I think I'm kind of neato.

Hey everybody! Let's chip in! Tell John-Boy what's good and bad about him. He'll appreciate it.



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