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Yet another update to show I've not died yet.



Let's see what I've been up to since I last updated.

Wednesday through Friday Squeaks was here with me. I've missed the hell out of him. We didn't really do much of anything, other than just hang out and chill. Friday he was my ride up to Huntington to hang out with my friend Jen, whom I met at CSR. We saw "Hollywood Homicide" at the Keith Albee, which was pretty good. The theater we were in was small enough and had a screen of the right size that made us think we were about to be treated to "Hollywood Homicide" as performed by Punch and Judy. We hit the bookstore and Toys R Us after that and generally had a good time. Squeaks went home that evening.

Saturday Mom bought me a Gamecube as a belated birthday present. Took me until Monday to get the memory card. Believe you me I got sick of the first two levels of Bounty Hunter. Now, I'm just sick of the prison levels. >.< I keep dying right before I can finish the level. It suxx0rs.

Sunday was Amtgard. Eric and I went up to Diamond Dynasty and I pissed him off a little bit. I got to the sign-in sheet before him. Under class I signed myself in as "Barbarian horde of one" and he somehow got signed in as "Warrior sidekick to the horde." Although I think it's something we've decided to stick with, just because it's amusing.

I think I'm done with the update. Since Sunday, I've pretty much sat around the house. Nothing of real excitement.



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