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What happens when I get dramatic



Chait Wolf: *nuzzles*

Rachel: hehe

Rachel: careful, you'll be bespattered too

Chait Wolf: Pfft.

Chait Wolf: I'm painted quite often.

Rachel: *lobs a HUGE spatter of red paint at you*

Chait Wolf: *shrugs*

Rachel: hehe

Chait Wolf: *gives you a big hug and smears it around on you*

Rachel: ewwwww

Rachel: hehe

Rachel: *does a nicely dramatic death scene w/the paint*

Rachel: Ick... Ack... Ehhhhhhhhhhh

Chait Wolf: Oh, heaven forfend! I have robbed the world of the truest beauty of its day! For a crime such as this, I deserve no better than to die...*whips out a paintbrush as a dagger and places it against his chest, breathing in and about to push it in before stopping* Alas, that would be too easy. My true punishment would be to live knowing the horrendousness of my ill deeds. I shall become a poet, to try to capture a glance of your true beauty, my love, in the only medium worthy of you. I shall kiss your cold dead lips and bid you the final adieu, and proceed on my way. *kisses you briefly* Alas, I have deprived myself of the one thing left to truly live for. My memories of you, love, shall be all that sustains me until the end of my days. Adieu...adieu...*exits stage left*

Rachel: very nice

Chait Wolf: *from off-stage* Well, hello there. What's your name, baby?

Rachel: HAHAHA



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