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A random idea strikes my knees



My knees are killing me. We were filming the banquet video earlier today and I play the Gimli knockoff. Thus, I've had to run around on my knees. I made some make shift kneepads out of camp pad, but they were thin as paper by the end of the shoot. Then, during rehearsal for Noises Off, there's a point where I kneel beside a chair. After three hours of running on my knees in a tiled hallway, that didn't quite feel "good." In fact, painful would be a better way to describe it.

I was just stricken with an interesting idea for a self-portrait, if I ever got into art. Just combine about everything I do into one picture. Myself in the foreground, with multiple arms each holding something that pertains to my life. Drama masks in one, a sword, a book, and so forth. Background be shelves full of books. On top of one of the shelves is Tiger. I dunno...this just struck me a few moments ago.



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