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it's a baby kickin' my ass



Chait Wolf: Which is a meaner prank to pull on you?

Quintus: brb

Quintus: shower

Chait Wolf: Duct tape on your armor, or dressing Connor up as a battleready Celt?

Chait Wolf: Okay, fine.

Chait Wolf: Although I'm really surprised that Romans actually shower. Isn't the stench how you tell rank?

Quintus: 1 - you cant duct tape my armor.. at events, I live in it

2 - dress connor, and you have big angry mother on your hands.. so I dont have to do anything

Chait Wolf: Damn. Not even if I get her in on it?

Quintus: doubt it

Chait Wolf: Damn.

Quintus: bescides, I am working on his roman armor as we speak

Chait Wolf: *laughs* Baby-armor?

Quintus: of course

Quintus: gonna make him a matching outfit

Chait Wolf: That's cute.

Quintus: yup, should be

Chait Wolf: Are you going to put a dagger in his hand too and take pictures?

Quintus: working on his shield...

Quintus: and gladius

Chait Wolf: When he gets able to walk, it's going to be "Take pictures of Connor kicking his daddy's ass," isn't it?

Quintus: no.. 'take pictures of connor kicking daddy's page's ass, while daddy glares if page decides to fight back'.. *EG*

Chait Wolf: *laughs* So you're going to be sure he can attack someone's legs by either April or Rakis, eh?

Quintus: nah.. he will do it in his car seat..

See what I put up with?

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