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Two girls happy



Half an hour ago, Dinner didn't know she was physically attractive. She said she thought she was someone a guy looked at and thought "She's all right." Yet, she didn't know why all the guys interested in her were so much older than she. She's fourteen. Her last boyfriend was twenty-one. So, I fixed this problem. As a friend, and a bit as an older brother, I told her exactly how attractive she is, in no uncertain terms. I didn't lie to make her feel better, or lie to make it not seem like I was coming onto her. I gave her my straight out opinion. And mine was the first straight out opinion of her attractiveness she's ever heard. I think she's going to have a better self-image for awhile now.

I wrote Heather an email I think she's going to like. :) It makes me happy when I do things to make her feel good.

Today has felt generally crummy. Yet, I'm ending it in a good mood. I'm not going to bed in a funk tonight. I'm not going to let myself.



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