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Today, I have become a god. Why? For some friends, I mixed Tang with Blue Skyy. Considering I didn't do taste test as I do with normal Tang, the reactions were rather surprising. Apparently it was rather good. Larry felt the need to stand up and shake my hand after he tasted it. I think it made Kitten love me even more than usual.

I got into Under Milkwood. :) Roles haven't been given yet, but I'm in.

For a good part of this evening, I've been in a dark mood. Not a bad mood, but just dark. I was stalking around campus by myself just wishing for someone celebrating Thursday by getting trashed to try and pull something. I just wanted to get into a fight for something. If I still feel like this tomorrow, I'll explain to Squeaky and have him wrestle around with me. That should help.

I think I need a new design for this diary. Green suits me, but the picture is almost never up. I was thinking something involving blades? Claymore? Anyone who happens to know how to do designs well, I'd appreciate it if you would help me out with this. In other words, do it for me? *smiles innocently*

I know that there are some readers of this diary who don't know me in any way, shape, or form outside of what I occassionally write down here. I know that there are some people who read this who I don't speak to very often. Or some people who I just haven't told yet.

Please pray for my girlfriend Heather. Or just send positive thoughts her way. It was discovered yesterday that she has cancer in her left ovary. It is scheduled for the ovary to be removed on the 12th of September. It'd mean a lot to me if you kept her in your thoughts for the next few days.



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