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I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight. It's 3:31 in the morning and only my eyes are tired. Granted, I didn't wake up until six in the evening, but I think I can make it through the rest of the day without sweating it too badly.

God bless bagpipes and all who play them. They're just one of those things that can make me grin like a little boy.

I'm going to do a concert later today. I honestly don't think it will be that wonderful, especially since my horn isn't working properly. However, it should be fun enough. And I've decided that I'm not going to wear dress shoes for it. I hate dress shoes. Instead I'm going to wear the comfy old black boots that used to belong to David.

I'm in a good mood right now. I'm really a nightowl, I believe.

Because I have no reason not to, I'm going to make a list of things that make me happy.

1) Kittens. Emery's roommate's cat had kittens and I got to play with them. There was a black one (christened "Lucifer" by me), a grey one (Hellspawn), and two white ones with grey splotches between their fuzzy little ears (El Diablo and Tweety). Also, when I go home, I get to play with Katerina's kittens! Yay!

2) Bagpipes

3) Fighting someone who I respect and holding my own.

4) Learning about something I really love, like family history or people's lives.

5) Making a new friend

6) Performing. Despite what a certain someone may tell me, I've got performing in my blood. I love the rush of doing well on stage or on the field and the audience reacting.

7) Being witnessed at something I do well.

8) Writing

9) Being clever

10) Amusing others

11) Having good discussions with others

12) Eating with my hands.

13) Meat

14) Tomato soup, crackers, and grilled cheese sammiches.

15) Being an unrepentant geek

16) Recommending something to someone and having them love it.

17) Witnessing one of the arts affect me. Some plays do it. Some movies do it. Some music does it. Some pictures do it. www.brunostrip.com/bruno.html does it.

18) Snuggling

19) My cats

20) Being a comfort to people

21) The feeling of having a friend in my lap

22) The moon. Oh god, the moon.

23) When someone leaves little somethings just for my eyes.

24) The smell of wood

25) The smell of baking bread

26) The feel of cold wet dirt in my hands

27) Night time

28) Walking outside when it's cold enough outside to perk me up but not cold enough that my inner thighs begin to chafe under my jeans.

29) Good hugs

30) Seeing friends for the first time in forever

31) Talking about books

32) Memories of all the time I spent in the garage making my favorite wooden blade.

33) The ring of metal a sword makes when it's drawn

34) Kevin Smith movies

35) Being half-awake, warm under my covers, and not having to pee.

36) Working with wood

37) Making things

38) Having a female friend who you can kiss and neither of you think anything of it.

39) Chanting

40) When a new animal just comes up to me and likes me

41) Natural smells

42) 42

43) Big fluffy towels

44) Douglas Adams books

45) Good fantasy

46) Holding a solid something

47) The feel of a sword in my hands

48) The smell of metal

49) Knocking over a tree, dragging it to the brush pile, and throwing it in.

50) Floating in water

51) My hands

52) Playing with hair

53) Deathmatching

54) Tromping everyone else into the ground when deathmatching

55) Music from Star Wars

56) Riding with the windows down

57) Singing entirely too loud with my music

58) The smell of caves

59) The feel of sun-warmed stone

60) Standing in a waterfall, throwing big rocks into the pool, and shouting "Boom!"

61) Painting myself

62) Learning new words in different languages

63) Being awake when everyone else is asleep

64) Morning smell

65) The smell of leather

66) Being messy enough to be obviously alive

67) My leather jacket, despite it always having been a size too small for me.

68) Accents

69) Doing something I wasn't able to do before

70) Clothes straight from the drier

71) Being barefoot in grass

72) The scar on my left index finger

73) Being big

74) Being fuzzy

75) Making this list

76) Being a little bit warmer than room temperature

77) being a little bit cooler than room temperature

78) Rain

79) Playing in the snow

80) Rolling down big hills

81) Sitting in chairs comfortably but in the wrong way

82) Sprawling

83) Wallerin' in beds

84) Being silly

85) The green room

86) Being slightly tired

87) Spirits

88) Auras

89) Divination

90) My runes

91) It being naturally assumed that I can do something complex

92) Cruising

93) Cake

94) Eating a good meal while reading a good book

95) Reading for extended periods of time and not noticing or caring how long it's been

96) My family

97) my coat of arms

98) The family motto. "In Defiance."

99) Being comforted

100) Being able to write 100 things in this list without straining.

I'm going to git. I think I want to walk around outside.



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