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Curiouser and curiouser. Third update in the same day. And it's actual content rather than the results of some bullshit test that I took to relieve a few minutes of boredom.

People's views of me are interesting. I never really know how people see me, so when I find out it's always a bit weird. Yestereve I discovered something that I don't know if it's disturbing or flattering or some weird combination of both. I found out that some people refer to me as "Pringles" when I'm not around. Matt said "G'night Pringles" to me and I didn't think he said that. So I asked Brain. Apparently, it's a nickname someone gave me after the True West cast party where I ended up pantsless for an hour or so. Is it necessarily a good thing that people have discussed my penis to the point where I've earned a nickname because of it? I guess I'm flattered, but also somewhat creeped out.

And, yes, I'm proud. Despite my hatred for social conventions, I'm on some level proud that people are discussing how well endowed I am with positive results. I basically feel the same way (flattered, disgusted, confused, and proud) about the conversation Fenton and Beth had about my ass. Once again, positive results were mentioned. It's vaguely creepy.


That was the "New Topic Line." I've never used it before, but I just feel like it right now.

I've determined a long time ago that I either don't have the full range of emotions the majority of people have or I have an extraordinary amount of self-control. I don't get riled about anything. I can sit and just have an unchanging expression on my face while the hottest girl and best dancer in the strip club gives me a lap dance. The only emotion that even comes close to really overwhelming me is fear, every once in awhile. I know not a lot of people think of me as living my life in fear, and I don't. However, there's something about spirits and being able to feel them without seeing them well that just really creeps me out.


I kinda like the poem I wrote and posted in the last entry. Any opinions on it would be welcome, as well as any comments on what you think was running through my head while I wrote it. As I wrote above, I never really know what people think about me, or what they think about certain things. I'm curious!

I'm gonna go.



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