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retreat | go
I didn't think it was that obvious, really.


12:42 - Awww yeah.

Today was interesting. I slept through my alarm, so ended up pulling on clothes and dashing out the door so I'd be able to eat before I had to go to Personal Wellness. I missed my World Lit class for the second time in two weeks - not good.

Before running, I didn't even have time to pull on shoes. I walk in and I'm immediately bugged by the class about it. I mean the entire class. Coach started it with a comment that "it's warm today, but not that warm." Then she and I had a discussion on why we both didn't like shoes. After the lecture, we went to various places to do free exercise. Keith and I went to the track where I was again accosted by a blonde girl.

Her - "Where are your shoes?"

Me - "I don't like shoes."

Her - "Well, I don't like getting shit all over my feet."

Me - *shrugs* "Then don't step in shit."

The idea seemed to stun her with its very existence. She didn't talk to me anymore.

My friend Fenton is getting a divorce. His wife refuses to accept that it's because of her and the way she's been acting and wants to know "the real reason." Earlier she blamed Lydia, thinking Lydia was seducing him. Today she took him to the side and asked if he was leaving her to be with me. She was serious about it. Fenton started cracking up.

I've started helping the news team with my mad proofreading skizzills. In the credits, who am I? "The Doofy Man With No Shoes."

Heh heh.




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