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I have just spent forty straight hours in the presence of Lydia and Fenton. We should have stretched it an extra two, really.

It started last night with them coming over to my room to watch TV and so Fenton could do taxes online. Around three in the morning, we moved to his apartment, watched Shrek, and ate pizza rolls we picked up en route. Therefore, we were asleep around 5:30 or so. When did we wake up? Lydia at 8 and Fenton and I at 9. We had hot pockets for brekkist and watched the first half of A Knight's Tale before leaving to go to my house.

Interesting trip. 'nuff said.

At some point before dinner it was unaminously decided that I apparently don't exist, or I'm just invisible without my shoes. I shared that with my family and Fenton and Lydia were almost in the floor cracking up. The reason behind that is that there are rumours that those two have been going at it like bunnies because they're always together. What's left out of the equation is that when they're together, I'm right beside them being my big fuzzy self.

Interesting side note - I've been hanging out in the broadcasting department lately because that's where Fenton and Lydia routinely go. Mr. Bean, who's the professor who has most of the equipment in his office, was talking to Lydia and asked her why there was "a large doofy man with no shoes" sitting in his office floor more often now. Tres amusante, non?

All right, I'm pretty much done now. I could go on, but I don't feel like it.



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