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retreat | go
Can *you* come up with something? I can't!


Chait Wolf: You back?

Jingle6666: yup... dead but back

Chait Wolf: How was it?

Jingle6666: you know what i did all the time ?

Chait Wolf: Slept?

Jingle6666: i went ot Celtic Music festivals....

Chait Wolf: Got laid?

Chait Wolf: O.O

Chait Wolf: Betsie...

Jingle6666: nope and nope to those Qs

Jingle6666: yeah?

Chait Wolf: You now have my sheer undying hatred.

Chait Wolf: Unless, of course, you brought me shit. :)

Jingle6666: i saw this one thing i wanted to get you so so so so so bad....

Chait Wolf: What was it?

Jingle6666: but i saw it at 5 am and it was closed and i never went back to the city

Chait Wolf: Noooooooo!!!!!!!!

Chait Wolf: What was it?

Jingle6666: it was a shirt with celtic design and a man's head that was morphed into a wolf's mouth... and it sdaid Cannibal

Chait Wolf: HOLY SHIT!

Chait Wolf: Betsie, if you had gotten that for me, I would have fallen to my knees and worshipped you.

Somebody find me that shirt! I want it!

My shoulders hurt. It sucks donkey. Somebody give me a shoulder rub? Me needs it.

My computer got in today. Does it work? No. No it does not. And I'm gonna sleep on the couch tonight so I don't have to clear my bed off. That way I get to wake up early enough to call tech support. :)

Yay! My friend Amy just got on. I haven't seen her for a long time, so I'm pretty happy to talk to her. She was the first friend I made on TimeScape. :)

Tomorrow Logan, Ali, and I venture forth to Lowes where we shall buy stuff for making Amtgard shizzit. I dunno what all I'm going to make. Probably at least one sword, and an axe. :)

I'm gonna go. I really don't have anything else to say.

Slainte Mhath and Pax Vobiscum!


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